
    • 姓名:徐斐然
    • 职务:
    • 职称:讲师
    • 所属系:食品生物技术系
    • 邮箱
    • 办公地点:
  • 个人简介
  • 研究领域
  • 科研项目
  • 学术成果
  • 荣誉奖项



职务: 职称: 讲师
所属系: 食品生物技术系 邮箱:
办公地点: 学术成果 <br>第一作者或通讯作者发表论文(其中中科院SCI一区论文10篇):

<br>(1) Transepithelial transport of YWDHNNPQIR and its metabolic fate with cytoprotection against oxidative stress in human intestinal Caco-2 cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(10), 2056-2065. (中科院一区,SCI收录)

<br>(2) Absorption and Metabolism of Peptide WDHHAPQLR Derived from Rapeseed Protein and Inhibition of HUVEC Apoptosis under Oxidative Stress. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(20), 5178-5189. (中科院一区,SCI收录)

<br>(3) Identification and Quantification of DPP-IV Inhibitory Peptides from Hydrolyzed Rapeseed Protein-Derived Napin, with Analysis of The Interaction between Key Residues and Protein Domains. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(13), 3679−3690. (中科院一区,SCI收录)

<br>(4) Assessment of the DPP-IV inhibitory activity of a novel octapeptide derived from rapeseed using Caco-2 cell monolayers and molecular docking analysis. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2020, 44(10), e13406. (中科院三区,SCI收录)

<br>(5) Preparation and characteristics of high internal phase emulsions stabilized by rapeseed protein isolate. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 111753. (中科院一区,SCI收录)

<br>(6) Application of Ultrasound-Assisted Physical Mixing Treatment Improves In Vitro Protein Digestibility of Rapeseed Napin. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2020, 105136. (中科院一区,SCI收录)

<br>(7) Lipid-Lowering Effects and Intestinal Transport of Polyphenol Extract from Digested Buckwheat in Caco-2/HepG2 Coculture Models. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(14), 4205-4214. (中科院一区,SCI收录)

<br>(8) Ultrasonic-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from coix seeds: Optimization, purification, and in vitro digestibility. Food Chemistry, 2021,131636. (中科院一区,SCI收录)

<br>(9) Screening and identification of high bioavailable oligopeptides from rapeseed napin (Brassica napus) protein-derived hydrolysates via Caco-2/HepG2 coculture model. Food Research International, 2022: 111101. (中科院一区,SCI收录)

<br>(10) Enhancement of DPP-IV inhibitory activity and capacity of enabling GLP-1 secretion through RADA16-assisted molecular designed rapeseed peptide nanogels. Food and Function, 2022, 13, 5215-5228(中科院一区,SCI收录)

<br>(11) Identification, characterization and in vitro activity of hypoglycemic peptides in whey hydrolysates from rubing cheese by-product, Food Research International, 2023: 164, 112382 . (中科院一区,SCI收录)

<br>(12) 徐斐然,徐宝才,鞠兴荣*. 基于Caco-2细胞模型对DPP-Ⅳ抑制肽IPQVS的活性评价研究. 食品与生物技术学报,2021,40(12):26-34.(CSCD核心期刊)


<br>Xu, Feiran, de Mejia, Elvira Gonzalez. Chapter 8: Methodologies for bioactivity assay: animal study, Biologically Active Peptides, Elsevier, 2021, ISBN: 978-0-12-821389-6.


<br>(1) 一种可缓解酒精性肝损伤的干腌火腿源多肽及其制备方法ZL202110936059.1

<br>(2) 一种筛面自动清扫机构ZL202121688401.2

<br>(3) 筛面大杂自动清扫机ZL 202130471937.8

<br>(4) 一种无残留式溜管气动三通结构ZL202121617817.5

<br>(5) 一种实验型自动模拟胃肠一体式消化的装置ZL202022054404.2.

<br>(6) 一种分步酶解制备高产抗炎菜籽肽的方法 ZL201710895533.4.
研究领域 <br>(1)动植物蛋白(肽)开发与功能挖掘


科研项目 <br>主持国家级课题1项、省部级课题3项、企业或科研机构委托横向课题2项。
荣誉奖项 <br>2021年度江苏省科技进步二等奖(8/10)



<br>美国营养学会国际年会分会场报告1次,第五届中国食品青年论坛分会场报告1次。《Journal of Functional Foods》、《LWT-Food Science and Technology》审稿专家。

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